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A Brief Introduction to Beer Appraisal

December 25, 2020  |  By CBT Staff

Welcome to the 12 Beers of Christmas Experience, brought to you by City Brew Tours. By now you should have opened the Day 1 flap and read through your Christmas booklet. If you haven’t yet, go ahead and pop open your first beer and sip along while you review the tasting notes in your booklet and the Beer Appraisal chart below. The chart will prepare you for our first live beer appraisal tomorrow, Dec. 26.

Remember to join us on days 2-12 (Dec. 26 – Jan. 5) at 8PM Eastern for our live beer appraisal and discussion, and check citybrewtours.com/christmas daily for blog posts that expand on the topics we discussed the night before.

Appraisal Basics

We’re all guilty of cracking a cold one and pounding it without much of a thought. There’s certainly nothing wrong with enjoying a pint without a care in the world, but drinking a beer with purpose can add a whole new dimension to your experience. So slow down a bit, take a look at the chart and consider what each sip has to say! We’ll dive deeper into the world of mindful drinking tomorrow night. See you then, and cheers!

beer appraisal

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