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The Perfect Pilsner for Lawn Duty


All summer long, the beer nerds on the Brewvana team are sending you our beer recommendations to beat the heat. This week, Brian from Marketing shares his favorite summer brew.

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Brian Uses His License to “Pils” to Bring Lawn and Order to the Neighborhood

Summertime gets me in straight Dad mode. What can I drink that will quench my thirst after a long day of sharpening mower blades, decimating weeds and bench-pressing toddlers? I go straight to Pilsners every time to top myself off.

I got this “Pils” from Fair State Brewing Cooperative inside a Brews Less Traveled Beer Club box, and it hits every parameter for me. It is crisp, refreshing and has that clean Noble Hop character I look for in every Pilsner. Doesn’t hurt that it matches my sick mower, too.

– Brian, Instagram Filter Aficionado

Fair State Brewing Cooperative Pils

Minneapolis, MN
Style: Pilsner | ABV: 4.9%
Tasting notes: Crisp, Hoppy, Grassy

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Summer Slammers playlist link

Enjoy a playlist Brian put together for this beer. Just click the link and you’ll be taken to the playlist. You can also scan this through the Spotify app. Get those Dad jams rockin’!

Discover Your New Favorite Summer Beer

The Brews Less Traveled Beer Club delivers new craft brews from America to your doorstep every month. Sample brand new beers and discover your new favorite poolside pint this summer! Sign up today to get some delicious summer beers sent to you.

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