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Introducing the Summer Slammer Series – St. Elmo Brewing Co. “Carl”


All summer long, the beer nerds on the Brewvana team are sending you our beer recommendations to beat the heat. This week, Iain from Marketing shares his favorite summer brew.

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Iain Talks About His Imaginary Friend “Carl”
(Just Go Along With It)

Brewvana Summer Slammers - Carl photo

Texas summers are famously hot, and this summer is especially unrelenting. When I’m staring down a week straight of record highs, this Kölsch from St. Elmo Brewing Co. is what I reach for. “Carl” is a spectacular everyday beer, with no hidden agenda other than refreshment.

This is the kind of beer you drink with your horse after a long day of ridin’ and tomfoolery. A 6-pack of “Carl” is great for any occasion, but especially pairs well with river tubing, Shish Kebabs and mosh pits. Enjoy cold when you’re hot.

– Iain, Brewvana’s Newsletter Goblin

Austin, TX
Style: Kölsch | ABV: 4.6%
Tasting notes: Cracker, Grassy, Floral Hops, Sharp Crispness

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Summer Jammers Week 1 playlist

Enjoy a playlist Iain put together for this beer. Just click the link and you’ll be taken to the playlist. You can also scan this through the Spotify app. Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth!

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