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September Home Brew Recipe: Hoppy Amber Ale

With fall drawing nearer by the day, most beer drinkers are salivating at the thoughts of steins of festbier but since it’s much too late to brew one of these malty boiz, I want to share a recipe of my other favorite fall seasonal, a hoppy amber ale. Usually this bastion of balance falls to the wayside of pumpkin spice beers and Oktoberfest lager, but I think it deserves more recognition.

This is a modified version of an amber ale I brewed a while back. The base of golden promise gives a nice nutty flavor while the carahell and flaked barley help with the beer’s body and mouthfeel. Some crystal 40 will give a light sweetness and the pale chocolate will lend some toasty notes and will also round out that beautiful light amber color. Northern Brewer and Cascade are near perfect varietals for a beer like this but any American hop will make a killer hoppy amber ale, except for some of the more tropical varieties. Some light dry hopping will bring a wonderful aroma into this beer.



OG 1.060       FG 1.014     6.0% ABV

Amount Fermentable Bill %
10 lb Golden Promise 86%
8 oz German – CaraHell 4.3%
8 oz American – Caramel / Crystal 40L 4.3%
8 oz Flaked Barley 4.3%
4 oz United Kingdom – Pale Chocolate 1.1%

Mash @ 154F



Amount Variety                        Time
28 g Northern Brewer 45 min
14 g Cascade 20 min
14 g Northern Brewer 20 min
14 g Cascade 5 min
14 g Northern Brewer 5 min

Ferment with a healthy pitch of Cali Ale yeast at 68F. Dry Hop with an ounce of Comet at 5 days and 7 days. Package and enjoy!

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