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January Guide of the Month: Dan Chrusciel

Check out our first 2019 Guide of the Month: Dan Chrusciel!


Before you worked at City Brew Tours, what was the most interesting or unusual job you’ve ever had?

I would have to say Hopsters. It’s a custom craft brewery that allows customers to brew their own small batch of beer onsite. Brewing 4-5 simultaneous batches of beer can turn into a sticky, hectic situation real quick.


What interested you in City Brew Tours and how has the company changed since you started? 

A co-worker suggested I apply to be a guide. It seemed like a cool gig and a job that would fit my personality. I also realized it could help me network myself into the Boston beer scene. At the same time furthering my career in the beer business and my passion for all things beer. Over 3 years, and many tours, the company is constantly growing week to week and city to city. New trends and fun projects. Always fun. Bring it on.


Hands down, best tour you’ve ever done?

The best tour is any tour that ends with high-fives and hugs. Similar to beer styles, it’s hard to pick a favorite.


If you could have a beer with anybody in history, who? What would the beer be? 

I would have to split a (12) pack with #12 himself, the greatest of all-time, Tom Brady. I’ll let Tom choose the beer. I know he has a specific diet plan.


What words of wisdom do you have for anybody taking a tour? 

Please don’t wander. As a guide, we would be happy to show you as much as possible but the access varies location to location. Also, keep an open mind regarding different beer styles. Something you were afraid to try might be your new favorite.


What is the last book you read?

Brewing Up Business by Sam Calagione (signed copy of course)


Are you a home brewer? If so, what’s your favorite recipe? Do you have one of your own that you’d like to share?

Hell yes. My buddy and I have been Dreamland Brewers since 2010. Right now we have a winter/breakfast/Mexican stout on tap. It features coffee, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, lactose, and chili peppers. Is it brunch or dessert? It’s delicious. We used roasted barley and chocolate rye malt for some bitter balance but I can’t share all my secrets.


What beer is in your fridge/cellar right now?

On tap:

NE IPA with spearmint and spruce
Stout with winter spices and chili peppers


Dogfish. Chimay. Bourbon County.
Vintage cider bottles/batches over the years.
Some funky sours I’m aging to “see what happens”


It’s your day off, what are you doing?

My day off tomorrow is brewing. Lol. Beer cannot brew itself: 10 gallons, 9 am start. It’s the best day off though: beer, food, friends. Tomorrow’s batch is an RYE IPA w/ crystallized ginger for spice and additional fermentable sugar. Cheers.

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