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Beer Explorations: Learning from the Locals

Most everyone has a “Local,” that favorite water hole where they meet up with their friends nearby for a pint – or many pints. While many of these could be a local dive bar or a hip local cocktail bar, more and more often these days they will be a local brewpub or small brewery. Seeing as the craft beer revolution continues to influence the opening of local craft beer establishments, the best way to learn of hip beers in your area is to tour the craft breweries themselves, tasting the local flavors with each new brew. With more craft breweries opening up every month, every city has more varieties of beer than ever before, and experiencing them firsthand can be a fantastic way to learn more about local culture. By stepping into your local craft brewery, you get to know more about your peers in beer while tasting fresh and delicious local delicacies. On the other hand, if you are new to town or just visiting, going to the local establishments of craft libations can give you fun insights into what the locals enjoy while you meet new friends and learn more about what makes that city unique.



Every city has its own feeling, from Boston to Baltimore to Philadelphia and others, and they each have their own attitude and tastes. Some of the best local flavors come from the local craft beer. By exploring a city through its breweries, you’ll discover what the locals already know and get a real taste of what makes each city great. From new style mash-ups at small, out-of-the-way nano-breweries to the regional mid-size breweries that have likely been around for awhile, you can learn the history of a city through its beer. You’ll be able to learn about how different neighborhoods have changed from the influence of a new brewery and hear stories of different areas of the city from those who live and drink there. With beer being the oldest social lubricant, sharing beers with the local brewers and drinkers will lead to you feel as at home as they do, regardless of whether you’re visiting for a few days or weeks.

One way to do this is to sign up for a local Brew Tour so that you can visit several local establishments while not having to worry about driving and getting to the best places. The tour guides know all about local brewing history and can tell you the ins and outs of each place you tour while you taste over a dozen different local beers. Join on your own or with a group for a day or evening tour to taste your way through the best beers the city offers.

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