We hope you enjoyed your brew day and are looking forward to trying the finished product! There are a couple more steps you’ll need to take over the next couple weeks before your handcrafted beer is ready to drink.
After your wort (pre-fermented beer) has cooled, you’ll need to pitch your yeast. Pitch your yeast after the wort temperature has dropped below 70 degrees, but before you go to bed. You’ll need your package of yeast, scissors, and some sanitizer left over from brew day. Watch our tutorial video to see how it’s done. Don’t forget to prop up the spigot-side of the Fermonster base with a 1-inch block or book so any precipitates settle away from the spigot and you get a clean stream when it’s time to bottle.
After fermenting for 2 weeks, your beer will be ready to bottle. You’ll need your bottling wand and vinyl tubing, bottles (or growlers), tops, fresh sanitizer, your stock pot, carbonation drops, and a flat, raised surface to work on. Watch this bottling tutorial before you get started, as there are a few things you need to set up before bringing your beer into the mix. Let your beer bottle-condition at room temperature for at least 10 days, then it’s time to drink up!
You’ve started brewing, so why not keep on going? Browse beer recipe kits and brewing equipment in our store, or join our Master the Brew Recipe Club and we’ll send you new recipes monthly! Subscriptions are available in 3, 6 and 12 month subscription lengths. Recipes are crafted by City Brew Tours’ resident brewers, are tailored for your skill level, and explore a wide range of styles. As you learn more, we make your recipes more challenging!