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February Guide of the Month: Eric

Our company values should be reflected in all that we do as City Brew Tours. We recognize that our guides are the face of this community so we think it’s important to select a Guide of the Month. Throughout 2020, the Guide of the Month program will highlight one coworker a month, whose exceptional actions have embodied one of our core values. Also in 2020, each Guide of the Month recipient will receive an additional $20 added to their beer stipend!

February’s Guide of the Month is Eric from Philly! Eric went above and beyond to help his new manager Tour Operations Coordinator, Thom, get situated in his new role. He’s always willing to work at the drop of a hat and is super supportive to the rest of the team in Philadelphia. He’s an adept problem solver and performs all aspects of his job without complaint.

What interested you in City Brew Tours, how has the company changed since you started?

I was looking for a part-time job in the food and bev world but wasn’t quite ready to jump behind the bar again (I had recently left a bartending job in LA which was more wine-focused) and being a guide with City Brew Tours seemed like a proper fit.

I’m a fairly reinvent hire. So I haven’t seen too many changes other than the addition of Thom as our new TOC who has been a lovely addition to the team.

Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day?

Definitely fly.

What do you love about beer?

I love that if done correctly a well-made lager can be almost as good as Champagne. That’s science!

Last book you read?

Philip K. Dick’s Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. Not his most popular but one of his best in my opinion.

Do you have any beer-drinking tips? Glassware, pairings, etc.

If you ever end up owning a bar/restaurant make sure to clean your lines regularly. It makes a world of difference.

What beer is in your fridge/cellar right now?

Being back in the Philly area it’s been nice to have Victory‘s beers around. We’ve been buying the 15 pack variety back fairly regularly.

What is your current favorite beer? Beer-drinking activity?

What I always tell people on tours is “whatever I haven’t tried yet” for my favorite beer. I’d be lying about though if I didn’t write Guinness.

It’s your day off, what are you doing?

Hopefully at a beach somewhere.

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